Example product recommendation email sauce In addition to product recommendations, you can also view the user's previous searches in the search bar, send personalized emails, and offer loyalty programs. 6) User-friendly UX Modern users do not have the patience to perform dozens of actions to complete one simple order. Therefore, it's important to optimize your website's UX so that users can find the product they want quickly and easily.
Here are some UX optimization tips ghost mannequin effect service used by e-commerce marketers: Minimize the number of product checkout steps Use automatic credit card recognition Use autofill for user forms Allow users to enter their full name instead of entering their first and last name separately Eliminate unnecessary filters At first glance, these may seem minor, but they can have a positive impact on your conversion rate because they reduce the amount of time users spend on activities on your site. 7)
Existence of social media Briefly recall the role of social media in the development and growth of companies in all industries. 30% of shoppers are likely to buy from social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and 23% of shoppers are socially influenced. Media recommendations. Facebook is still the primary platform for businesses to sell and promote their products, but Instagram and Pinterest are just around the corner.